Friday, January 11, 2008

It's Those Little Things...

He does that melt my heart everytime! Matt & I always have at least a few minutes together early in the morning before he leaves for work. This morning I missed him. I haven't slept well lately & Shannon decided to wake up (for reasons unknown) at 3am & sit up to chat for about 2 hours. So when he left today I was still out! I woke up & saw he was gone. It almost broke my heart. He's working so much these days. I feel I never see him. I walked into the quiet kitchen where I normally find him & see this little note. I could have cried. Actually I did=)
It's just a few words,he had to scribble the first heart out to make a better one & it's on the back of a bill we probably can't pay. But, it sure made me fall in love with him all over again.


Katy said...

How incredibly sweet!!! I LOVE stuff like that! I hope you and Matt can get to have some good quality time together soon! xoxo

Anonymous said...

awww how sweet!!!

Jen said...

Sometimes they can be so these moments we are truly blessed.

Monica said...

How cute! Jacob also woke up at 3am last night, thinking it was time to play.

Glo said...

These small things are more special than any roses or dinners.

Linda said...

That was very sweet of your husband and of you to notice the little things. I think sometimes we get so caught up our busy lives that we miss the little blessings we are given daily. You know, things like...air?(hehe) But truly, my pastor used to say, if you are looking for a blessing you are sure to find one and if you are looking fault you are sure to find it. I would much rather notice and look for the blessing. Thanks for a great post!

Andrea@Sgt and Mrs Hub said...

You know - that really touched my heart. I have gotten notes like that... once in awhile. I too have a husband who works insane hours so I get all that it meant to see that note. I have felt those same feelings.

Those notes are way more than just pieces of paper with words on them - they are love. And I have kept every single one Daniel has ever written to me.

I hope you guys are able to spend some time together this weekend.


mindi said...

That is sweet :) I am missing my hubby so much, and we haven't even gotten to the two week mark yet (sigh)
Hope you get some time with your hubby soon!

Anonymous said...

"MANN, that was enough for me to cry...this was so incredibly sweet Courtney!!"

Hope your having a Wonderful weekend together!
