Saturday, September 29, 2007

Wiped Out!

The kids Birthday party was a big hit! Never seen so many toys in my life. I'll have pics soon but for now this momma is wiped out!

*Oh, by the way We Are Marshall is out on DVD. Have tissues ready though!!! If you'd like to see a true story about my hometown go rent it. You will not be let down!


Glo said...

You even write like your tired. Rest up and let us know how the party went ....waiting for pics.
Love Ya,

Michelle said...

We rented that movie this last weekend. It was really good, I enjoyed it very much. I even made mention to my husband that you were from there lol. What a coincidence lol. :)

Glo said...

Courtney you have something waiting for you on my blog...come on by and pick up your award.

Sandra said...

I need to rent that movie, I would love to see it.

I'm glad everything went great with the birthday parties, but I'm SHOCKED, I can't believe little Shan is now 2 years old....where has the time gone?????

Oh and as for the carpet cleaner LOL I bought one about 2 months before leaving Idaho and now this house has no carpet whatsoever LOL I just look at it and smile it's so pretty but not much use for me LOL
