Monday, June 26, 2006

She Wanted To Cry But She Didn't Have Time

She wanted to relax it was a nice day
But there was errands to run & bills to pay
She wanted to cry but didn't have time

There's a sale at the mall & concert at eight
But three kids at home she'd be out to late
She wanted to cry but didn't have time

There's dishes to do & laundry to fold
Is this your life at 25 years old?
She wanted to cry but she didn't have time

She thought of her husband with every breath she'd take
She was a newlywed for heaven sake
She wanted to cry but didn't have time

She'd see those couples walking hand in hand
She missed that dearly, see her love's in the sand
She wanted to cry but didn't have time

One day she'll have her family all here
No seconds waisted on a single tear
She won't need to cry...She won't have time



Michelle said...

That's really sweet, did you write it?

Courtney said...
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Courtney said...

Thank you Michelle! Yes I wrote it...couldn't sleep last night:)

Shionge said...

Yes, please dun cry coz I have the time online for you :P

Take your time to embrace new found friendship and strengthen yourself.

I have time....all the time online :D

Take care Courtney.

Charla said...

Awwww, that's so sweet! That's right though, it won't be long until he's home and you'll be so happy you won't have time to think about this past year.

Love ya,

kbug said...

Nice poem, Courtney. So sad, yet hopeful. I talked to Seth this weekend and he talks like he's coming home, he's not...but he talks like the next 5 months will be over quickly. I have trouble looking at it that way, though, and I'm usually the optimistic one. I know the day will come eventually, and I do so look forward to it... :)

Sandra said...

LOVE the poem Courtney, and good job on writing it, that is really good :)

Hang in there hon, before you know it he will be back in your arms :)

Love ya Court and I'm so proud of you, you're such an inspiration as a military wife and mom :)
Love ya.

SuperMom said...

Courtney, I was bawling just watching your little slideshow with pictures of your husband and kids. Now I'm a mess after reading your poem!!!


We are very proud of your husband. And proud of you, too.

I have a good friend who's husband is in Afghanistan. I am forwarding a link to your blog to her.