Saturday, May 27, 2006

Memorial Day

Every please take some time this Memorial Day weekend to remember the men & women who lost their lives fighting for this country. They lost their lives so we could have ours. Without them where would we be? I thank them all & their families who have to lost so much. My children will grow up in a beautiful free world where they can follow their every dream because of them!

Have a wonderful weekend & don't forget to remember! I know I won't!!!


The Cleveland Family

White House


Michelle said...

That's a beautiful sentiment. It's very important for us all to remember those who gave all for us.

Courtney said...

Those are beautiful pictures. we should never forget what all those fallen soldiers did for us.

Anonymous said...

Cute kids. AWWW SO CUTE. I love sepia tone photos. That rocks.

kbug said...

I love those old-timey looking photos..... :)

As for remembering our fallen troops and their families...some of us will never forget.

Sandra said...

Love the pictures Court, beautiful beautiful.

You are so right, we should never forget the fallen soldiers :)

Hope you had a great memorial day girl.

Love ya,