Sunday, April 16, 2006


Get up everybody the Easter bunny came!!!!Bunny Face
Happy Easter everybody! I hope everyone has a great day & has lots of goodies. The kids are not even up yet well Shannon woke up but I fed her & she went right back out. There is no way I could go back to sleep although it sounds good I have alot to do. Plus I just laid wide awake most of the night so why try that again LOL! Considering what today also is for my family Easter this year is such a blessing in so many ways. I know that everyone is really busy today but if I could please ask a quick favor. I don't want to say much (security reasons) but anyone who reads this knows what happens today. Anyway, if you could please, please, PLEASE, pray for his safety. I would appreciate that so very much! I know anyone reading this loves me as I do you. In my heart I know you will all get him through these next few days through thoughts & prayer. I thank you for that!
I will post updates as I get them. Have a great day & I guess I'm back to biting my nails,tapping my foot & waiting.Nervous 2 Have a very Happy Easter everybody & I love you ALL!

~Court~Big Hug


Charla said...

Hey hun, you're family is in my thoughts....I'm so happy for you Courtney!!! Take care, and enjoy your time together. We love you guys!!!!!!


Karyzma said...

I hope you're having a great Easter with your family!
Much love,

Sandra said...

Happy Easter Court :)
You guys are ALWAYS in my prayers, but I will say a special one for Matt.

Hang in there, I know you're probably dying with antecipation and I'm sure you're walking around with that silly grin that we all get when our soldiers are almost home :)

Love and hugs,